How it works

Sign-up in minutes

We just need the property address and the landlord’s details.

Single, low payment of £99

One flat fee to provide a guarantee for a year. Buy now

Easy claims process

If your housemate lets you down, don’t worry claim here

Who we’ve worked with

Confidence to rent with friends

Move in with your friends and know you are not going to fall out. Our guarantee means even if they don’t pay, you won’t have to.

*Terms and conditions apply

Finding a guarantor

Only My Share makes it easier to find a guarantor if you don’t have one readily available to you. This is a big plus as without a guarantor you’ll struggle to get a tenancy.

Understanding your contract

If you signed a contract for a shared house and are bound by joint and several liability, all housemates are liable. With OMS you can protect yourself from this. Look after number one

Confidence to rent with strangers

If you are moving into a shared house with people that you haven’t known for long, or don’t know at all, it’s even more reason to protect yourself.

Protecting your guarantor

Not only are you liable if a housemate doesn’t pay rent, but your guarantor is too. For a small one off fee, both tenant and guarantor can get protected. Guarantors can purchase directly from us too.

Relaxing in your new home

Once you have a guarantee, all you have to think about is paying your own share of the rent. If a housemate doesn’t pay theirs, Only My Share will deal with it alongside your landlord.